Saturday, May 3rd
9:00 AM-3:00 PM
We are excited to once again be holding our Spring Fling event! We hope that our church family will come out and support this event and enjoy a day of springtime fun! Once again there will be shopping with many vendors, a Chinese Auction, a bake sale and breakfast/lunch available.
We are currently collecting donations for our Chinese Auction. If you are able to make a donation or would be willing to help us collect donations from local businesses that would be greatly appreciated!
We will also be soliciting donations for the bake sale and the kitchen when the date gets closer. We hope that we can count on the generosity of our church family once again.
If you are interested in having a table at Spring Fling or know of someone who is, please contact Susan Boyle at 704-2495.
This year’s fundraiser will be going to support the general budget of EBPC so hopefully we can make it our best one yet!