Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Giving Tree & Mitten Tree

Giving Tree 2014

Through December 14th we will be collecting for the Giving Tree.  The funds raised will be used to help area families who are in need this holiday season.  In previous years you have been very generous with your support and we hope that you will consider helping once again with this worthy cause.

Donations can be placed in the collection plate in an envelope designated for the Giving Tree or they can be given to 
Jocelyn Barie.  Please use one of the  envelopes in your pew and write “Giving Tree” on the outside.

Thank you in advance for your help!!


Mitten Tree

The Mission Committee is collecting new mittens/gloves, scarves, hats, ear muffs, etc.  They can be placed on the tree in the Fellowship Hall and they will be delivered to the Salvation Army, a local school, or another agency for distribution.

Memorial Poinsettias

We have begun decorating our sanctuary for Advent and Christmas.  As we have done for several years we will be ordering poinsettia plants.  This year the cost will be $7.50 per plant.
Our Worship Committee will be arranging the plants and they will be on display in the sanctuary during the remainder of Advent.  The plants may be taken home or given to a shut-in after the Christmas Eve service.
If you wish to order a memorial poinsettia, please fill out the form below and leave it in the church office, with payment, no later than Sunday, December 14th.  Payment must be made with your order and checks should be made payable to East Bethany Presbyterian Church.  The list of memorials/honorees will be printed in the worship bulletin for the Sunday, December 21st and the Christmas Eve services.

I/We wish to order ________ poinsettia plant(s) at a cost of $7.50 each.

In Memory of ______________________________________________________

In Honor of ______________________________________________________

Your name (as it should appear in the bulletin) ______________________________________________________

Are you leaving the plant to be given to a shut-in?  
_______Yes  _______No

Total paid $_______________

Upcoming Events at EBPC

Friday, December 12:  Shepherd’s Game
6:30 PM

Lots of fun for everyone, young and old!  We will be having pizza at 6:30 PM with the game to follow.  Refreshments and a time of fellowship after the game.  You won’t want to miss this! 

Sunday, December 21:  Christmas Cantata
10:30 AM (During Worship service)

The choir will be performing “The Heart of Christmas”, directed by Mark Barie.  This beautiful musical celebration of Christmas is an EBPC tradition!

Monday, December 22:  Christmas Caroling
5:00 PM

We will be meeting at the church at 5 PM and will then go caroling to shut-ins and church members.  After caroling we will be having dinner together somewhere in Batavia.

Wednesday, December 24: Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
7:00 PM

Our traditional service of scripture and carols is the perfect way to begin the holiday.

Join us for Online Worship

Join us at 10:30am Sunday on our Facebook page to stream a brief Facebook live worship service.  (A call in number on Zoom will be a...