Almighty God,
guide the nations of the world into ways of justice and truth,
and establish among them that peace
which is the fruit of righteousness,
that they may become the kingdom
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Scripture for Sunday: Luke 15:1-10
Upcoming Events:
Sunday Sept 15th:
10:30am Worship
(Children's Sunday School Resumes)
4:30-6:30pm Confirmation Retreat at York UPChurch
Monday Sept 16th
6:30pm Personnel Meeting
Wed. Sept 18th
6:30pm Session Meeting
Sunday Sept 22nd
10:30am Worship
(Choir will be singing)
Wed Sept 25th
10am Mission Meeting
11am Worship and Music Meeting
7pm Christian Education Meeting
Sunday Sept 29th
10:30am Worship
2-4pm Covington UP Church will be showing of the award-winning film The Other Side of Immigration with panel discussion to follow.
Sunday Oct 6th
10:30am Worship (World Communion Sunday)
11:50 Sharp - 5:30pm Fall Foliage Bus Tour of Letchworth State Park and Lunch at the Big Tree Inn
- Bus leaves 11:50am Sharp and will return around 5:30pm
- Cost: Adults $22, Children $11, Children under 5 years FREE
- Includes Lunch, Transportation, Park Admission, and Gratuities.
(If cost is an issue please talk with me and we'll see if we can work something out.)
God's Peace, Rev. Michael Fry